personal Vaporizers

personal Vaporizers

Several Personal Vaporizers
ADvanced Personal Vaporizer
At the top of the e-cig food chain is the personal vaporizer (PV). Also called a MOD because they are the results of items such as flashlights or metal tubes that were modified to fit an atomizer and vaporize liquid nicotine. These modified devices turned into a whole new class of electronic cigarettes.
A personal vaporizer is designed for the vapers who desire more control and vapor and does not care about the size of their device. PV or MODS units are the most powerful hitters in the game. This vaporizer style is available in a variety of options and also capable of producing the biggest clouds of vapor.

The 4 most common types of PVs are:

  • Basic Vaporizers (EGO)- Small, compact, easy to use, most popular
  • Advanced Vaporizers (MODS)- Regulated beasts, long battery life, big vapor and flavor
  • Rebuildables (Mech MODS)- Unregulated tanks, build your atomizer, technical work, biggest vapor
  • Herbal Vaporizers – Dried herbs, tobacco, no smoke, yes they work
The amount of vapor that personal vaporizers generate can easily surpass any other electronic cigarette or a tobacco cigarette. Many heavy smokers are attracted to personal vaporizers because they offer a battery that lasts all day and can fit a large capacity tank on top. Most PV units give you a choice of using a Cartomizers, a clearomizer, a tank, or a atomizer on top of the battery. The MOD style has more options such as a Rebuildable Drip Atomizers (RDAs).
Vaporfi Pro Electronic cigarette
Many of the Advanced Personal Vaporizer styles are variable voltage and/or wattage, which means the output of the battery can be adjusted up or down to provide the best temp for any flavor. The voltage range usually starts at 3.0 volts and can be increased by 0.1 volt all the way up to 6.0 volts, while variable watts range from 3w-25w+. The lower the voltage or wattage, the lower the output of power to the battery. This has a direct effect on the temperature of the heating element, but that depends on the resistance rating of the cartomizer.
Rebel 2 Personal Vaporizer ReviewThe main benefit to using a vaporizer is the power to see and control almost everything. Most PVs allow the user to view the output of the voltage/wattage going to the heating element, check the battery levels, and see the resistance of the element coil in real time, rated in Ohms.
Many of the cartomizers on the market come in different resistances that are referred to as low resistance (LR) or high resistance (HR). The lower the resistance, the higher the temp of the element will be. For example, a LR cartomizer will burn hotter at 3.0 volts than a HR cartomizer will at the same voltage. This allows the user to find the perfect blend of heat and voltage for any e-cigarette liquid flavor.
You may reduce the voltage of your PV and still get a high temperature from the element if you are using a low resistance cartomizer, however you may notice more sensitivity to burning your e-liquid and heating element if you use a LR cartomizer at a high voltage.
If you were not satisfied by any other electronic cigarette, a personal vaporizer may be what you are looking for. They are big and sometimes ugly, but ask anyone who uses one and they will tell you they are worth the extra weight and effort. If size and weight is an issue, have a look at the Basic PVs (egos) below. They are smaller but still pack a punch.


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